I'm going to talk more about Drew Barry's work in this post.
Everyone was ang mohs, except me.
Dr Drew Barry from Walter and Eliza Hall Institute was our guest of honour.
Who's Drew Barry? He's a biomedical animator hired by Walter and Eliza Hall Institute to communicate bioscience to the public through 3D animations. A cell biologist by training, he made biomedical animations big by winning an Emmy Award in 2005!
Check out his work:
DNA replication.
Central dogma of molecular biology part 1 - Transcription
His job involves reading journal articles produced by scientists and attempt to produce a 3D animation based on the details reported. His job is not easy since observational accounts in the articles may not fit into visual representation. Furthermore, each clip you saw above took him months to produce.
He has done a fantastic job in presenting scientific facts to laypeople. His regret is that some parties actually used his work to argue that people arise by intelligent design! Well, facts are facts, that's how biological systems work, but you can't really use these as a basis to argue for an ideology.
Jim Vaux, the brother of David Vaux. An engineer.
The committee members of ANZAAS. Peter is our State Chairman. Mike Murray is one of the key figure to rally for building of Australian Synchrotron.
What does ANZAAS do? On the third Wednesday of every month, we have a free public lecture at Gene Technology Access Centre. Mark your calendar and join us!
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