
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Meme Proposal Parody

The proposal video of Timothy Tiah to Audrey Ooi was so touching that it inspired another piece. Wait, I thought you're proposing to marry me?!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Electronic Engineering @ La Trobe University

I visited La Trobe University at Bundoora, Melbourne to have a look at final year projects by Electronic Engineering students.

La Trobe University provides state of the art facilities for the best learning experience. Graduates of La Trobe enjoy high employment rate for their up to date knowledge.

microscope electronic engineering
Microscope used for viewing delicate electronic components.

A toy car with a LCD display panel. Remote controlled via Bluetooth.

An all terrain Insectabot capable of navigating rough surfaces and harsh surroundings.

3D printing
Rubik's Cube produced using 3D printing technology. Made of plastic. You can produce 3D objects as you desire.

smartphone student project
An Android smartphone.

A toy car balanced using a gyroscopic algorithm programmed in its electronics.

Students making these final year projects go on to exciting careers with well known corporations like Nokia.

The university uses an innovative teaching method when you enrol in the course. Instead of traditional lectures, you course is organised into modules with extensive hands-on learning in labs. This allows you to learn on your own pace and spend more time on one on one consultations with lecturers until you understand something. It's up to you to explore the topics.

Visit Department of Electronic Engineering website at La Trobe to know more.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

miss A - Touch

The music video of "Touch" has finally been revealed after a few days of teasing.

Biracial girl group miss A is back with gothic concept. It's bound to be a visual treat!

They achieved all kill on music charts before they performed this on music shows! Isn't that exciting? I'm looking forward to their stages of "Touch" and hope they achieve the top position with their latest song.

Not forgetting that JYP Entertainment included English subtitles in the MV to cater international fans! You can turn on the subs by clicking the CC button.

Friday, February 10, 2012

One Valentine by DanKhoo Productions

sandra tock joseph germani

When Love and Career come at the crossroads, which one will you choose? An illustrious career away from a person you treasure, or a romantic love that bears fruit?

How far are you willing to go for either, if so you choose?

Joseph Germani
Sandra Tock

DanKhoo Productions (Facebook page)



Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sexy & I Know It (Hakka parody)

Kids, go and learn Hakka by watching this!

The Hakka sung in the parody resemble Fui Chew Hakka. I grew up exposed to two dialects of Hakka from my paternal and maternal families. My dad has a Fui Chew background while my mom speak Tai Poo Hakka.

I can tell apart Fui Chew and Tai Poo Hakka by pronunciation differences in certain words - is pronounced as "dou" in Tai Poo Hakka and "dao" in Fui Chew Hakka; as "hou" in Tai Poo and "hao" in Fui Chew.

The Star: Hakka CNY clip ala LMFAO goes viral online
Wikipedia: Hakka language